

Click on titles or books for more information on each book.

The first section are books written or co-written by me and published under jddawson.net


Throne of Storms – Identity Lost (book one)

Broken Trust – Muslim Feint (book one)

Cord McCoy – The Hanging Teacher (book one)



Stock Market Trading:

Trade4Profits – Shortcuts to Profitable Trading

Trade4Profits – Watch Me Trade

Trade4Profits – Watch Me Trade 2

Covered Calls – You are Doing it WRONG!

High Probability Options Trading

Simple Swing Trading – The KISS System




The New Psychology of a Cold Call – Tips for Successful Cold Calls


Starting from Nothing – How to Develop and Internet Marketing Campaign

YouTube Playbook: The Quick Guide to Growing your Following and Making Money

Internet Marketing   YouTube Playbook


The section below are other books published under jddawson.net


How To

How to Start a Money Making Blog: The Best Methods, Tricks and Steps for Successful and Profitable Blogging


How to Start a Money Making Blog


Social Media Marketing – Everything you Need to Know to Grow Your Business

Social Media Marketing


How to Fix a Broken Marriage: What is Driving you Apart and How to Fix it.